For the project I decided to make a duck hunting picture because whenever I cover my face with a mask is when I duck hunt. To start off a got a picture of a hunting boat off the internet. I used the lasso tool and control+shift+IQ to erase all the background of the picture to only get the boat.
Next I found a picture of a marsh area for a background and blurred it to have the other things in the picture stand out. After that a got a picture of a different boat and used a layer mask to erase everything except for the wake, and I used the layer mask and a low opacity brush to make the color of the wake not as white. After that I got the picture of the duck hunter off the web and used the control+shift+IQ to erase all the background of the picture, and I used a layer mask to blend his feet onto the boat. Lastly I used the brush and a brownish color to make the face mask. It represents face paint for the mask, because when I hunt with a mask I prefer to use face paint and I chose the color I thought looked closest to what I use.
Duck hunt

Duck hunt


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